Nationally Certified Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor with extensive experience in dance, yoga and running. Utilizing these modalities, Laura's training methodology emphasizes breath, correct postural alignment and the development of overall strength. Body and mind connected...

American Red Cross CPR/AED Certification
NASM (CPT) Certification
YogaWorks New York Certification

Services Provided:
I am available for training in
residential gyms, corporate gyms, etc.

Personal Training and
Vinyasa Yoga
Customized Personal Training for
golfers, runners, dancers, etc...

Weight Loss Techniques
Dietary Information
Health and nutrition information
customized to the needs of people living
with, fighting, and surviving cancer.


Personal Training Sessions

$100: Single sessions 55 minutes

$475: 5 pack 55 minutes

$900: 10 pack 55 minutes

$1,700: 20 pack 55 minutes

$4,000: 50 pack 55 minutes

$75: Single session, 45 minutes

$370: 5 pack, 45 minutes

$720: 10 pack, 45 minutes

$1,400: 20 pack, 45 minutes

$120: Duets @ $60 per client

$120: Trios @ $40 per client

No Gym membership required!
MonQi Fitness
201 E. 67st at 3rd ave.
New York, NY

For Inquiries please email:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Splenda and Fiber? Serious?

Splenda is not natural; it is a chlorinated artificial sweetener. Made from the chemical sucralose, Splenda is manufactured by the selective chlorination of sucrose (table sugar), which converts three of the hydroxyl groups to chlorides.

Now the manufacturers of Splenda have come up with a new marketing strategy. A chemical with "health" benefits. Are you kidding me?

I urge you to know your food. Processed, chemicalized "food", such as Splenda should not be a mainstay of your everyday dietary needs. Fiber should come from natural food sources such as fruits, vegetables, stone ground whole wheat and grains that are grown from the ground and not manufactured in a factory...

Don't give in to the processed food ideology that consumers have come to believe is natural and good for you.


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